About Us
Barlo Plastik A.Ş. was established in 1992 as a member of Barlo Group of companies.
Barlo Plastik represents all leading plastic machine and periphery suppliers who are technology-builders in their branches. Our aim is to present all these products and the experience of our suppliers to the Turkish plastic manufacturers with most suitable conditions.
Our customers are not only oversized companies, but we seriously reply to find technical and financial solutions to the demands of customers with only 1 or 2 machines.
We try that the high technology we present to our market through our suppliers may be utilized by all of the relative small and big customers. In this way our customers can increase the quality standards, the speed and capacity of the production, as well as save energy and personnel, i.e. they may be more competitive in the global market.
Investment Support
As soon as an investment is needed our experienced engineers begin to study this investment together with our customer.
The investment demand and the tolerances of our customer are specified.All these information are studied by Barlo and our engineers come back to the customer with most suitable solution.
In most cases we try to study alternative solutions which mean different price levels.
Our customer then decides for the best solution amoung these alternatives.
After the right solution has been decided we together with our customer work out the payment terms.
Whether it is a small sprue granulator or we project a turnkey system, we always tell and confirm realistic figures about the technical capabilities of the offered systems.
Our investment support team always act and work together with our customer.We aim to present the latest technology with all possible alternatives to our customers in order to make them able to do the right investment with most suitable conditions.
Technical Support
Two main goals of our educated and continueously trained technical support team are:
1. To minimize machine stops because of a failure of the machine and also minimize the spare parts need.
2. Continueosly support our customers that they run the machines with max. efficiency.
Therefore our engineers of our technical support department pay regular visits to our customers.
We also do service and maintanence contracts with our customers.
Our engineers drive quickly to the customer directly after they receive a call by the customer, check the problem there and identify the failure max in one hour and inform then the customer when and how this problem will be solved.
Please ask our performance to our customers.